Our homes are more stylish with houseplants and they also clean the air. Some plants will grow in normal indoor conditions even if you are not a plant parent.
These 17 houseplants are hardier to kill, and they look beautiful in any room.
A fiddle leaf fig
The Spruce by Corinne Bryson
Ficus Lyrata is a popular choice for homeowners who want to add a modern, fresh twist to their décor, even if they have confined spaces. Place it near a window facing south or east to get the necessary natural light for photosynthesis. Let the soil dry out between waterings.
Light: Bright light
Between waterings, let the plants dry out
Color Varieties A variegated cultivar is characterized by creamy-colored leaf margins
Chinese Money Plant
patnowa / Getty Images
Pilea peperomiodes looks great in minimalist and modern surroundings. In average soil with indirect light, the circular leaves grow in abundance. Mature Chinese money plant has a cascading habit which looks fantastic in hanging baskets.
Light: indirect light
Regular Watering
Color Varieties: Green
Spider Plant
A spider plant on a table
The Spruce by Krystal Slagle
The Chlorophytum Comosum is a houseplant that has been popular for many decades. This throwback plant can be used in any environment where you want a low maintenance specimen to purify the air. These plants are perfect for pedestals and hanging baskets because of their arching leaves.
Light: indirect light
Water: average to dry
Color Varieties, ‘Bonnie Variegated has white stripes’
Peace Lily
A peace lily is a plant
The Spruce by Cara Cormack
Spathiphyllum is easy to grow and has a graceful appearance. Peace lilies thrive in low light, but require regular moisture.
Light: Low light
Water: Moist
Color Varieties : ‘Domino,’ with white stippling.
Air Plant Terrarium
EnchantedFairy/Getty Images
The Tillandsia species has given new life to the hobby of terrariums. These plants can grow without soil but still require bright light, and they need to be watered weekly. You can do this by spraying the plant with water or soaking it in water.
Light: Bright light
Weekly Misting
Color Varieties : ‘Tricolor,’ with reddish-purple leaves; Abdita,’ with pink leaves that turn red when they flower; Huamelula,’ having salmon leaf tips
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera Houseplant
Emilija Manevska / Getty Images
Aloe vera1 gel is used widely in cosmetics and first aid. It also adds function to the houseplant’s form. It prefers bright, dry light and sandy soil like most succulents. Healthy plants will produce pups offsets that can replace any leaves harvested.
Light: High
Water: Dry
Color Varieties – ‘Christmas Carol,’ with red leaf edges and ‘Walmsley Variegated,’ with cream streaks
a jade plant
The Spruce by Leticia Almeida
In a bright, airy room, you can’t go far wrong with a Crassula. It is just as beautiful as the trendy faux plants that are sold at hobby stores. However, fake plants won’t grow over time and will not become as impressive as jade plants. If you notice leaf drop, water sparingly. You can also add additional lighting.
Light: High
Water: Dry
Color Varieties : ‘Calico Kitten’has pink and cream leaves ; ‘Variegata’has cream streaking
African Violets
Christina Schmidhofer/Getty Images
The Streptocarpus2 genus is often referred to as one specimen but it actually includes about 20 species, and even more hybrids that will bring beautiful flowers to your office or home. Use a soilless mix to promote good air circulation and water at the soil’s level to avoid spotting.
Light: indirect light
Water: Light, regular moisture
Colour Varieties: There are thousands of cultivars; the flowers can be white, pink, blue or purple with stippling or picotee.
Snake plant
The Spruce by Alonda Baird
Dracaena trifasciata3 is about as close as it gets to a plant-it-and-forget-it houseplant. The plant can tolerate a variety of soil, moisture and light conditions. The plants look good in concrete or metal containers, as well as variegated varieties.
Light: Low to High
Water: Low
Color Varieties : ‘Bantel’s Sensation’ is a cream-colored plant; ‘Black Gold’ features a thin gold edge; and ‘Gold Hahnii’ sports wide gold bands
Dana Gallagher/Getty Images
Plants in the Bromeliaceae are epiphytes that grow in trees in their natural habitat. This means that they need filtered light and aeration at their roots. Orchid potting soil is ideal. Fill the stiff leaves with distilled if you want to mimic nature.
Light: Filtered, indirect
Water: Medium
Colors: Available in orange, yellow, white, red, pink and purple.
a lucky bamboo
The Spruce by Leticia Almeida
Dracaena Sandersiana is a beautiful addition to any small area. Its ability to grow under water, and its flexible stems can be woven into braids or grids. The top of the Lucky Bamboo stops growing when it is cut, which makes it easier to maintain than the outdoor bamboo. Grow it in artificial or low-light conditions.
Light: Low
Water: High
Color Varieties: Green
Ivy Houseplant
Tonya Nunn / Getty Images
The addition of a container of Hedera Helix to your bathroom or kitchen is a great way to upgrade any area with bright light and humidity. These Northern European natives will also live longer in cooler rooms, which are kept at or below 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Light: Medium to High
Water: Medium
Color Varieties Green, variegated
Dumb Cane Plant
Vaitekune/Getty Images
Dieffenbachia is a beautiful plant with large, speckled leaves that thrive in humid environments and bright light. Keep the leaves out of reach of children and pets.
Light: Medium to Bright
Water: Medium
Color Varieties: “Honeydew” has gold leaves, “Mary” has cream splotches and “Snow” has white speckles
Basil Plants
Steven Morris Photography/Getty Images
You’ve just found your new favorite houseplant. Basil, Ocimum Basilicum, likes warm temperatures and plenty of light. Trim the flowers to encourage more fragrant leaves. Try purple or cinnamon basil.
Light: Bright
Water: Moist
Color Varieties : Dark Opal and Purple Ruffles have purple foliage
umbrella plant
Ivan Grgic/Getty Images
You can check out Heptapleurum Arboricola4 if you’re looking for tropical plants. It can reach ten feet in height when grown in the jungles. This growth can be observed in pots, particularly with variegated slow-growing cultivars such as ‘Gold Capella or ‘Sunburst’.
Light: High
Water: Medium
Color Varieties : ‘Sun Burst,’ a gold variegated variety; ‘Janine,’ a white variant.
Croton Plants
Maarigard / Getty Images
Codiaeums bring color to neutral rooms like gray or taupe. For healthy plants and vibrant leaves, bright light is necessary. The leaf form can vary from grassy to paddle-like, but they all have yellow, red or orange stripes or splotches.
Light: High
Water: Medium
Colors: orange, white, red, pink and purple
Philodendron in a Basket
The Spruce by Margot Cavin
Philodendron Hederaceum5 thrives in any light condition, whether it’s trailing down a basket or climbing up a trellis. The heart-shaped leaves can grow to enormous proportions in frost-free areas, but they are equally happy indoors.
Light: Low to High
Water: Medium
Color Varieties : ‘Brandi has silver variegation, ‘Micans has purple-tinted foliage; & ‘Prince of Orange has orange-tinted foliage